Sellers deserve Better & So Do You

Faster, safer showings for Sellers. Keep Your Seller Data...because it's yours.

Safer, More convenient Showings

Sellers don't know when they can come home 

 Sellers should know when they can come real-time.  Minimize the relentless, "Did they like it?", from your Sellers. 

Stop Letting Bad Agents Give Out Your Seller's Codes

An age old problem that even electronic lockboxes couldn't solve. Sellers deserve better than to have their private access info sitting in your inbox or given to Buyers. 

Keep Your Data... You Earned It and you Should Keep it. 

Stop handing your Seller's contact information to the competition. It's your data and you shouldn't be sold out.

Why Agents and Sellers Love It...

  • Real-Time Arrival and Departure Texts
  • Agents don't receive codes until they get there so they can't give out codes ahead of time.
  • Ensures that Agent who scheduled the showing, is the agent that accompanies the Buyers to showings.
  • Keeps your Seller's contact information out of your competition's hands.

“Never again will I have a Seller with 3 kids and a dog piled into the car not know when they can come home"

Kari Lancaster

Bexa360™ Certified Agent
